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Discover how can DATA boost business growth & employee engagament!

Nowadays, data is everywhere and can be used to jump to better results. Almost all organisations are running one or more data initiatives but unfortunately, this process is not always happening in most optimal way. So one question always arises: how to translate data insights into impactfull actions on the workfloor?
On 12th of September, in Bucharest, the Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC) organizes a special event, where 2 highly experienced Dutch consultans to share their experience in optimizing businesses by means of an efficient data management strategy.
This interactive NRCC Knowledge Center will not be just about data or what data is. The speakers will go in depth and approach the topic from an analytical perspective, talking about what is really needed to gain optimal value from data.
The event is dedicated to representatives of medium / high management level of medium and/or big companies.
Some of the topics to be covered: how can data improve a business, being  a competitive edge, how to optimize (data) strategy work and build engagement with every employee or how to improve using tools like data mining.
More details regarding agenda, speakers’ profiles and registration fees are available here: http://www.nrcc.ro/events/data-driven-change-boost-your-business-growth
Founded in 2006, NRCC is a non-profit organization that supports and promotes the Dutch-Romanian business community, while representing The Netherlands, the biggest source of foreign direct investment in Romania since many years now. NRCC network now includes 185+ members, from 20+ industries. We develop activities in cities like Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta, Brasov, Bacau as well as in the Netherlands. Our updated events’ caledar is available here.

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