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Urbano Parks – a strategic project for the local community

“Now, with our newly built industrial park, we bring jobs closer to this community” – Daniel Paraschiv, Co-Founder, Urbano Parks.

What type of adaptive measures the company / your project(s) needed?

First of all, we are positive and confident even after we passed through this challenging period, because we managed to follow through the initial timeline of the construction, and we have delivered the spaces to our tenants. Due to the crisis caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus epidemic, some of the materials and equipment we initially intended to use could no longer be delivered and we had to modify part of the construction solutions. In addition, in order to reduce the risks of illness, we have minimized the interaction between teams using a more efficient coordination of activities, even if all these measures have generated additional costs. For sure, since we have adapted rapidly and, due to the fact that we had the resources to assume the additional cost, we have managed to finalize the first phase of our industrial real estate development. An important asset was also the convenient setup for our park, from the very beginning, in a prime location for logistics and industrial activity, with a sustainable development as construction materials and long-term usage.

What is the status of your current project(s) and investments planned for 2020-2021?

With great satisfaction, we have just handed-over the spaces to our tenants from the first phase of 8,500 sqm. The second phase consists also of additional 8,500 sqm and we will be able to deliver in September 2020. The third phase includes an extra close to 10,000 sqm and is planned to be finalized for the next year, when we the occupancy ratio is going to be proper.

Which are the advantages of your business and products, going forward?

Urbano Cluj Vest is a very flexible A class space where we can provide both docks and drive-ins in modules starting 1,150 sqm. We have planned this kind of spaces because we intend to grow with our tenants. Urbano Parks location is in the West side of Cluj-Napoca, between Florești and Gilău, a newly residential and commercial developed area. Now, with our newly built industrial park, we bring jobs closer to this community. Because of the location and the possibility to bring jobs the people leaving in the area, Urbano Parks is considered a strategic project for the local community and we have the full support of the authorities.

What transformations you expect in your sector?

In this global context, in addition to ISU and environmental standards, the need of spaces with well-defined and controlled flows, which ensure optimal conditions for the security of human resources and goods, is evidently increasing. Considering the unemployment rate, industrial sector and infrastructure investments can keep or increase the actual jobs market in the local community, so we are prepared to provide spaces in order to relocate or start rapidly new projects.

What is your message to clients and partners?

We believe our city Cluj-Napoca is a strategic point for future industrial market development. Our purpose is to attract foreign investors who can make a bet on Cluj, on the human resource from here, on implementing new technologies and on the ability to adapt on globally competitive requirements. At Urbano Parks we prepare class A spaces, precisely to meet the most demanding needs.


An article published in the exclusive supplement –  “Market pulse report, Romania – The new normal” | June 2020

A property market tour, including major cities, with projects status and updated opportunities at the end of the lockdown in Romania – June 2020. | Essential news with the current status of further investments, clients and partners relations, new priorities for the post crisis cycle. | B2B communication report – to help you mark your statements during the changes period.

Content partner: Crosspoint
Partners: CA IMMOCATTED Business ParkCluj Business CampusVox Property Group



“Romania’s Real Estate Yearbook 2021” – November 2020

An essential, integrated, printed, safe, market guide, mirroring the pulse of the market, at the official turn of the decade, post crisis, for 2021.

8th edition, exclusive | Romania’s most comprehensive investment guide – unique concept | office & innovation parks | logistic & industrial parks | investment opportunities | international trends guide| leading business contacts | opportunities for 2021: residential, retail, HoReCa | tailored distribution – the most diverse business areas.

Print & online editions, November 2020, premium, English.

Country promotion support in international future events or meetings.

ionut.oprea@transilvaniabusiness.ro | +40 721 197 559
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