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Particularities of the business environment in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Cluj-Napoca has a very attractive, stable and predictable business environment. The competitive service industry attracts each year more and more investors from all over the European Union. In order to boost the local investments, the municipality decided to invest in the development of several business parks and to sign a collaboration protocol with the local universities.
The last five years, Cluj-Napoca has known an extraordinary development of the IT industry. The city has a very competitive and attractive service industry as well, including a safe and stable finance sector, an impressive tourism and hospitality sector, and a high number of active SMEs. Due to the support of the municipality, the investors can more easily open nowadays a successful company in the heart of Transylvania.
The importance of the business parks
The metropolitan area of Cluj-Napoca has several economic and social advantages that really make it stand out not only in Romania, but also in Central Europe. The faculties of medicine and the research institutes in the IT field are the main key of the city’s development. The municipality supports the good cooperation between the local academics and the investors. Therefore, a collaboration protocol was signed with the “Babeș-Bolyai” University in order to improve the match between the academic curricula and the labor market needs. Moreover, the local authorities have decided to develop a number of business parks so that the investors and their employees could work in very good conditions.
Solutions to easily open an office in Cluj
Due to the excellent cooperation between the local universities, the municipality and the business environment, the entrepreneurs that want to open a company in Cluj-Napoca have the opportunity to successfully deliver all their projects in a timely manner. The investors that decide to move here can find a reliable and highly qualified workforce together with a responsible and open local authorities and a dedicated business community. There are various organizations that can provide useful pieces of information to the entrepreneurs that would like to discover in more detail the economic and social environment of this city, including foreign cultural centers, consulates, foreign business clubs and clusters.
The highly skilled and dedicated team of Invest Cluj relies on the local administration, consulates and top service providers in order to help Romanian and foreign investors to open a company in the heart of Transylvania. Choosing their personalized service packages, the entrepreneurs can get access to the latest information in finance, accounting, legal, construction and insurances and, thus, easily open an office in this “smart city”.
Mihaela Katerina DOBROIU

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