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Protect your business, get ready for GDPR 2018!

Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC), Telekom & Noerr have the pleasure to invite you attend on 20th of June an interactive & practical Knowledge Center regarding Data Protection and the new EU regulation that will come into force from 25th May 2018, with a big impact for every business. While that may sound a long time, there’s a lot to do, so start preparations now.
The GDPR is about enabling organisations to realise the benefits of the digital era, the great opportunities presented by new technologies, data analytics and the immense value of personal information. So not being prepared implies more than just the consequences of non-compliance.
The highly experienced specialists from Telekom & Noerr will offer an integrated approach on the topic, combining 3 dimensions: legal, technological and business processes management. The objective: complying with maximum efficiency (cost, time, resources, control).
What will you find out?
1. a snapshot of the GDPR and of the most relevant content: novelties and implications in a context of outstanding digitization
2. arguments why should data protection compliance represent a top priority for any business (a pragmatic view about what the GDPR really means for a company)
3. a set of legal recommendations and implementation suggestions for getting ready for GDPR
4. an integrated approach related to GDPR, meaning combining elements related to culture, processes and technology, essential for complying with maximum efficiency (cost, time, resources, control)
5. a set of best practices regarding personal data protection
Who should attend?
Company owners
Middle Management
Compliance Officers
Legal Managers
Fees & registration
The event will take place at Beyfin Hotel, from 17:00 and will be followed by a Networking Drink organized in partnership with DWNT, The German-speaking business group North Transylvania.
Register at info@nrcc.ro, until 19th of March.
Free access for NRCC members. Fees for external companies as following:
– Standard fee: 150 lei
– Special offer: 50% discount for the 2nd person brought
– Fee only for the Knowledge Center – 120 lei
– Fee only for the Networking Drink from 19:00 – 100 lei

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