MIPIM September Edition is a unique event, designed to bring the international real estate and investor community back to in-person interaction following many months of restrictions.
This special two-day networking and conference event will give MIPIM’s global clients the first opportunity this year to reconnect in-person through high-level talks, an exhibition area and networking to create valuable new business opportunities.
This edition, the programme focuses on the triple bottom line of:
- PEOPLE – Responding to the increasingly integrated needs of all users of urban space.
- PLANET – Building a low-carbon future and a circular economy.
- PERFORMANCE – Achieving financial returns on a local, national, global level
About Reed MIDEM – Founded in 1963, Reed MIDEM is an organiser of professional, international markets that are essential business platforms for key players in the sectors concerned. These sectors are MIPTV, MIPDOC, MIPCOM, MIPJUNIOR in Cannes, MIP China in Hangzhou and MIP Cancun in Mexico for the television and digital content industries; MIDEM in Cannes for music professionals; Esports BAR in Cannes and in Miami for the esports business; MIPIM in Cannes, MIPIM Asia Summit in Hong Kong SAR, Propel by MIPIM-NYC in partnership with MetaProp, Propel by MIPIM-Paris and Propel by MIPIM-Hong Kong for the tech and real estate industry; MAPIC and LeisurUp in Cannes, MAPIC Russia in Moscow, MAPIC Italy and The Happetite in Milan, and MAPIC India in Mumbai for the retail real estate sector. www.reedmidem.com