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CONTRACTOR Engineering & Construction

CONTRACTOR 2016 is one of the most important events dedicated to the presentation of recent best practice examples on the European building construction market and major investments from Romania.

The event is organised by ABplus Events between October 31 – November 1, 2016, at Radisson Blu Hotel, and has four thematic sessions where there will be presented investment projects on the building construction market, from the following sectors: Health, Culture and Education, Residential and Commercial, Public Sector- urban infrastructure.

The International Conference will reunite during the two-day event over 200 participants. In the same period, ABplus is hosting complementary RIFF International Expo Conference, an event dedicated to architectural presentations and to the presentation of recent best practice examples in the following areas: Façades/ Roofs/ Insulations.

Details – www.constructii.contractor.com.ro.

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