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Fiscal disputes: sensitive issues regarding tax audits

NRCC & Noerr have the pleasure to invite you attend on 16th of November, in Bucharest – Athenee Palace Hilton, to an interactive & practical Knowledge Center dedicated to a sensitive topic: tax audits, starting 7 PM.

Companies are facing more and more controversial aspects during tax audits which may determine tense situations.  Consequently, during a tax audit, companies have to be diligent and prepare thoroughly the documentation and the strategy to be used in case of a fiscal dispute. Join this event in order to find out which is the best approach during tax audits as well as recommendations for a possible fiscal dispute.

•           Best practice during tax audits – do’s and don’ts
•           “Trendy” topics raised by the tax authorities – e.g. VAT refund, services / construction works, VAT for agricultural companies, reclassification of dependent activities
•           Controversial aspects during tax audits – excessive duration, computation of penalties, abusive requests
•           Fiscal procedural rules – important aspects to be followed
•           Fiscal litigation – procedure in front of courts of law
•           Antifraud investigation – fiscal fraud, money laundering


Alexandru Ene, Associated Partner, Head of Litigation & Compliance Department, Noerr
Raluca Botea, Senior Associate, Noerr
Florin Gherghel, Head of Tax Department, Noerr

Noerr stands for excellence and entrepreneurial thinking. With well-versed teams of strong characters, Noerr devises and implements solutions for the most complex and sophisticated legal matters. United by a set of shared values, the firm’s 500+ professionals are driven by one goal: the client’s success. As one of the top European law firms, Noerr is also well established internationally: with offices in eleven countries and a global network of top-ranked “best friends” law firms.

The seminar is followed by a Cocktail Drink. Free access for NRCC members; 80 lei for non-members. Register at info@nrcc.ro, until 15th of November.

Founded in 2006, the NRCC is a non-profit organization that supports and promotes the Dutch-Romanian business community.

The NRCC Knowledge Center is a content-driven event, organized with the objective of sharing know-how across industries, thus offering to our members valuable specialized information, but also lots of business networking opportunities. Knowledge Centers are organized monthly in Bucharest & Cluj, but Brasov, Constanta and other cities follow in 2017.

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