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CEE M&A Awards, Warsaw, March 22nd

The CEE M&A Awards, March 22nd, InterContinental Warsaw, is the only awards ceremony to recognize and honor excellence of the M&A sector in the CEE region. The awards will be presented to companies and individuals who have demonstrated the best overall performance during the past year. The M&A Awards celebrate the outstanding efforts and achievements of all those involved in identifying, coordinating and completing the important deals, which have produced consistent results, and the potential to change the fate of businesses and industries throughout the region. The M&A Awards also highlight the dedication, outstanding results and top quality client service provided by many M&A industry leaders. These awards showcase the hard work, dedication and determination of firms throughout the region, as voted for by their clients and industry peers.
Selected Criteria:
Innovation, industry achievement, growth, prosperity, deal making excellence, market insights. Outcome of closed transactions, year to year improvements, regional market expertise, team leadership, record of executing transactions, client service. Criteria of work conducted includes: strategic nature, complexity, scale, efficiency, groundbreaking or innovative processes. In this way the M&A Awards strive to be the CEE region’s most coveted and complete awards event.
Countries & regions covered in the awards include:
CEE: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine NEE: Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad SEE: Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia.
For more please check- http://ceemaawards.com/

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