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TÜV SÜD at MIPIM 2018, life-cycle partner of the real-estate industry

TÜV SÜD presents itself as a life-cycle partner of the real-estate industry from 13 to 16 March 2018 at MIPIM in Cannes. Its presence at the international flagship trade fair of the real-estate industry centres on data-consistency services based on Building Information Modelling (BIM), quality-assurance services for investments in real estate and simulation services designed to reduce investment risks. (Booth R7.G16)
BIM – End-to-end data management from planning to operation
Increasing digitalisation is bringing changes to the processes in the real-estate industry – from design to construction and operation. Building Information Modelling (BIM) is an integrated model-based work method used for the generation and management of information in building projects. In addition, in BIM2FM, BIM models can also be used to improve the efficiency of building management. “With appropriate standardisation, BIM data may form the basis of end-to-end data management from the design of a building to its construction and operation”, explains Joachim Birnthaler, CEO of the Real Estate & Infrastructure Division at TÜV SÜD.
In the operational phase, the BIM models fine-tuned by TÜV SÜD within BIM2FM assignments deliver a complete, standardised and reliable database for computer-aided facility management (CAFM). A CAFM system processes all building data which are vital for the building’s operation, thereby significantly facilitating the management of large-scale properties or infrastructural facilities. “Using a project information model with accurate attributes for BIM2FM operations can achieve cost savings of up to 20 per cent”, explains Tobias Schmidt, Head of TÜV SÜD’s Global Centre of Competence BIM. However, to achieve this target, the entire life cycle of a building must be considered right from the initial project concept and design stage. Correct implementation of the BIM model must be accompanied by comprehensive BIM management, combining project and data reviews from strategic, technological and engineering perspectives and supported in the early stages by simulation of the building and equipment. To achieve this, TÜV SÜD’s multidisciplinary teams of experts combine in-depth BIM expertise with broadly based, long-standing experience amassed from international projects.
Sustainability certificates ensure long-term value
Over recent years, the potential risks surrounding real-estate transactions have increased for all market players. TÜV SÜD’s transaction services – from conventional due diligence services to real-estate valuation and sustainability certification – allow for long-term hedging of transaction risks and investments.
In this context, sustainability certificates are becoming increasingly important when it comes to the assessment of long-term value. Certificates according to international standards place real estate on a comparable footing and are in particularly high demand. With over 563,000 certificates awarded in
77 countries, the BREEAM standard is the number one in Europe and worldwide. In 2016 TÜV SÜD acquired DIFNI (Deutsches Privates Institut für Nachhaltige Immobilien¬wirtschaft), thereby becoming an exclusive licence partner for BREEAM certification in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. “This is an area showing enormous growth”, notes Thomas Oebbecke, Divisional Director Sustainability at TÜV SÜD. “Over 400 certificates according to BREEAM Bestand, a version of BREEAM IN-USE tailored to German-speaking countries, were issued in the DACH region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 2017 alone.”
Founded in 1866 as a steam boiler inspection association, the TÜV SÜD Group has evolved into a global enterprise. Around 24,000 staff work at over 800 locations in over 50 countries to continually improve technology, systems and expertise. They contribute significantly to making technical innovations such as Industry 4.0, autonomous driving and renewable energy safe and reliable.

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