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40 Belgian students from Ghent University choose Brasov and Bucharest for an entrepreneurial bootcamp : a true first event

It is far from usual large group of West-European students are gathering for a mission to Romania and make acquaintance here with the local entrepreneurial spirit. What is common in a so called highly developed country like Belgium may be totally not obvious in an East European nation, steered by other different cultural features and commercial habits. Young potential entrepreneurs aiming at taking part in Inter-European trade and investing need and want to apprehend that each nation is ‘unusual, as usual’, are eager to cross borders and discover unknown destinations. The regional but important Chamber of Commerce of East-Flanders  takes a lead in this statement sending out 40 students for an entrepreneurial boot camp of 6 days in Romania, a country driven by a Latin and much more other spirits taking therefore a unique place in the East European landscape. These 40 youngsters are coming from various Belgian universities, one of these being the one of Ghent, ranked in the world top 100.

Before taking off to Bucharest and gather experience in the capital, the first 3 days will be spent in Brasov, filled with various sessions and visits related with entrepreneurial issues. Their staying here is equally a consolidation of the excellent relationships between the Brasov University and Belgian educational institutes, created and monitored by Mr. Andrei Neagu, also known as inspirator and manager of the ‘Tomorrow Hub’, a new innovation center and co-working hub for start-ups supervised and funded by the Brasov University.

On this occasion, the highlight of the mission will be organized on April 11th in the main aula of the University of Brasov. With the support of the Belgian expat business community, the Belgian Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BEROCC), the Belgian Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Thomas Baekelandt was gladly willing to the guest of honor and hold an interactive intervention at 18.00 h for a Romanian and Belgian student audience around the subject: ‘the mission and value of an Embassy in another EU-Country’.

The Ambassador will thereafter, from 19.00 h on, join us in the same aula on a large, stylish and free entrance networking event, engaging the whole business and civil community of Brasov and creating a unique opportunity for instructive but pleasant discussions between students and local personalities who contribute to the leading role of Brasov in the economic and social development of Transylvania. A great variety of delicious finger food, desserts and beverages provided by reputed and generous local companies will upgrade this evening to nothing more than a real feast.

Therefore, many thanks go to all the partners and sponsors who largely contribute to this promising occasion: Grup Belvedere, Trus Horeca Services, Artizanii Berii, Luado Chocolate, DO Security, Warehouse PUB, Bramet, Times PUB, Mondly, Bramet, Virtuality,  Little dots, Webzz, VizPrime


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