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Romania ESG Forum 2023

Date: 4th May 2023 Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest

Big picture presentations on global trends
Case studies presented by international experts

Best practices discussed by business leaders
High-profile networking with like-minded professionals

See the agenda – here

An international conference, organised by CEE-based media and event platform Property Forum, focusing on the role of ESG in business. Environmental, social and governance factors, alongside financial considerations, are playing an increasingly important role in the investment decision-making process for many companies. Leading international experts and local business leaders will come together at this event to discuss sustainable business strategies for the future and to provide a deeper insight by going beyond the buzzwords.

Romania ESG Forum 2023 is the place to be for professionals who want to take their business to the next level. It’s the perfect spot for networking, knowledge exchange and making new connections. Attendees can enjoy unmatched networking opportunities and participate in in-depth discussions led by industry leaders for optimal professional growth.

Register – here

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