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S IMMO AG: Friedrich Wachernig’s management contract renewed

The mandate to the Management Board of Friedrich Wachernig, Board Member of listed company S IMMO AG, has been extended for another three years until November 2019 by the Supervisory Board of the company. Friedrich Wachernig is part of the Management Board of S IMMO AG since 2007 and is, amongst others, responsible for project development, asset management in CEE/SEE and in Austria as well as legal affairs, IT and HR.

Friedrich Wachernig commented: “I am very delighted to continue leading S IMMO AG on its successful path. For the upcoming quarters we have a series of exciting plans – particularly in the project development – which we will implement together with our excellent team and with great commitment.”


As Austria’s first stock exchange listed real estate investment company, S IMMO AG has stood for expertise, a strong portfolio, and profitable growth since 1987. The company invests in commercial property (office, retail, and hotel) as well as residential property in four regions (Austria, Germany, and Central and Southeastern Europe). S IMMO AG’s strategic core shareholders are Erste Group and Vienna Insurance Group.

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