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“Fiscal do’s and don’ts when working with inter-company/group transactions”

NRCC and TPA have the pleasure to invite you attend on 15h of November, at Beyfin hotel in Cluj, starting from 17:00, an interactive & practical Knowledge Center about fiscal do’s and don’ts when working with inter-company/group transactions.

 The guest speakers will provide a detailed overview regarding topics like:

•    Management fees charged from your headquarters: when can they be deducted?
•    How to quantify low value-added intercompany services (e.g. IT/Legal/HR assistance) and what are the related transfer pricing requirements?
•    ANAF’s favorite opening line: ‘show us your transfer pricing file!’ Elaboration requirements and applicable deadlines

Who are the speakers?

Sorana Cernea
Partner, TPA Romania (Transilvania)
Sorana has more than 20 years of experience as a specialist in accounting and tax advisory. She is the Partner in charge at the TPA Romania office in Cluj.

Jan Glas
Managing Partner, TPA Romania
Jan is the Managing Partner of the TPA Group in Romania. He is living in Romania since more than 15 years and has advised on a long list of investment projects in the country.

TPA is one of the leading tax, accounting and audit services companies in Romania and Central and South Eastern Europe. From our offices in Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca, TPA provides support to clients in the fields of Tax Advisory, Accounting, Auditing, Advisory and Legal services.

Registration & fees
The presentation is followed by a Networking Drink organized also at hotel Beyfin, starting with 19:30. Free access for NRCC members; 100 lei for non-members. Register at info@nrcc.ro, until 13th of November.

About NRCC

Founded in 2006, the NRCC is a non-profit organization that supports and promotes the Dutch-Romanian business community, while representing The Netherlands, the biggest source of foreign direct investment in Romania since many years now.  

Our successful activity in helping the development of bilateral trade between the two countries was recognized in 2016, when NRCC received Excellence Award in the “International Affairs and International Economic Relations” section, at the “Nine O’ Clock 25 Years Awards Gala” NRCC network now includes 180+ members, representing 20+ industries. We develop activities in cities like Bucharest, Cluj, Constanta, Brasov and Bacau, as well as in the Netherlands. Over 10.000 persons attended during the time the chamber’s events.

The NRCC Knowledge Center is a content-driven event, organized with the objective of sharing know-how across industries, thus offering to our members valuable specialized information, but also lots of business networking opportunities. Knowledge Centers are organized monthly in Bucharest & Cluj, but Brasov, Constanta and other cities follow in 2017. For being always updated, follow us on Facebook. Interested to host a Knowledge Center and share your experience with other NRCC members & external companies as well? Contact us for more details at info@nrcc.ro!

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