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NRCC Economic Outlook 2017

Romanian economy in 2017: cool, warm or boiling over? Discover the main macroeconomic forecasts for Romania this year within the NRCC Economic 2017 Outlook by ING.
The event will take place on 25th of January, starting with 18:30, at ING HQ (Crystal Tower, Hutuleac hall, 1st floor – 48 Iancu de Hunedoara Blvd, Bucharest).
Join an interactive presentation addressing relevant topics such as:
– Which Trump will be President?
– Potential scenarios for the European Union
– Romanian economy: cool, warm, boiling over?
– Sustainable growth: the need for enhancing potential growth
– Higher Romanian CPI in 2017 leading to higher RON rates as well.
– FX outlook: stable for now, gradual RON firming expected after mid-2017
– Forecasts & Conclusions
Ciprian Dascalu, Chief Economist at ING Bank in Romania
Ciprian is responsible for macroeconomic research and FX&FI strategy for local and global clients focusing mainly on Romanian and Balkan economies (Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia). He graduated from Msc at Doctoral School of Finance and Banking – European Centre of Excellence, Bucharest University of Economic Studies. He started his career in 2003 with National Bank of Romania as an economist within Monetary Policy Department and joined ING first time in 2006 as a senior economist, leaving after two years for a career as a trader at Millennium Bank, followed by a one year as financial markets business manager with Unicredit, before returning to ING in February 2015 as Chief Economist.
18.30 -19.15 Registration & Welcome drink
19.30 – 20.00 Outlook Presentation
20.00 -20.20 Q&A Session
20.30 – 21.30 Networking Reception
Access only by registering at info@nrcc.ro, no later than 24th of January.
No fee for NRCC members; 120 lei for externam companies.
NRCC is one of the most active bilateral chambers in Romania. Since 2006, by means of dedicated events and industry-focused projects, we support and promote the Dutch-Romanian business community. After 10 years of activity, NRCC network now includes 180+ members, representing 20+ industries.
Details: www.nrcc.ro

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