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SHARE Bucharest 2017

SHARE Bucharest 2017 -International Architecture and Engineering Forum

SHARE BUCHAREST 2017 is a dynamic event that includes four professional conferences organized during two days, on 21 and 22 March, at Marriott Grand Hotel Bucharest: INGLASS – International glass architecture and engineering expo conference, LAUD -International landscape architecture & urban infrastructure expo conference, GIS – International interior architecture and design expo conference) and CONTRACTOR – International building services engineering expo conference.

SHARE is where the architecture community comes together to share ideas and inspiration, learn and celebrate excellence in architecture.

SHARE events bring together principals and senior architects from leading practices to discuss and gain inspiration from each other. The conferences offer the opportunity to meet great minds in the global architectural community through our talks program.

The lectures are concentrated on present and future, innovation in architecture and engineering, on explorations on new materials and technologies for designing a smart and sustainable built environment.

SHARE INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURE AND ENGINEERING FORUM act as an effective platform for networking, business, inspiration and exchange of ideas and transfer of know-how.

SHARE BUCHAREST 2017 is a dynamic event that includes four professional conferences organized during two days, on 21 and 22 March, at Marriott Grand Hotel Bucharest: INGLASS – International glass architecture and engineering expo conference, LAUD -International landscape architecture & urban infrastructure expo conference, GIS – International interior architecture and design expo conference) and CONTRACTOR – International building services engineering expo conference.

The debates within SHARE Bucharest 2017- International Architecture Forum program are combining theory with practice methods, presenting projects signed by famous architects, concentrated on innovation in architecture, engineering, construction, design & computation.

12 countries will be represented by awarded architects and engineers: Germany, Spain, UK, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Turkey, The Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland, India, Portugal.

Forum themes: awarded projects from all over the world, new desings and trends, innovative landscape, professional CAD and Structural Engineering Design Software solutions for the construction industry; new revolutionary materials and technologies for designing a better-built environment, used in large scale projects;

All these events will have a mix of attendees: architects, engineers, landscape architects, contractors, investors, developers, representatives of the academia and of the professional associations.

A notable presence at the event are:

Arch. Serban TIGANAS – CHAIRMAN SHARE 2017 – President of the Order of Architects of Romania (OAR)
Arch. Sheila SRI PRAKASH – SPECIAL GUEST SPEAKER – Founder and Chief Architect Shilpa Architects Planners Designers, India
Kathryn MOORE – President International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA WORLD)
John FIELD – President The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE), UK
arch. Kerem Yazgan and Begum YAZGAN from Yazgan Yazgan Design Architecture, Turkey. Winners: 2015 – Colour Prize Winner 2016 LEAF Awards 2016, the 2016 World Architecture Festival (WAF) edition
Professor Rainer Schmidt, from Rainer Schmidt Landscape Architects and Urban Planners, Germany. The author of “City by landscape”. Winner of the 2016 APA American Prize 2015 Wan Landscape Award
Arch. Paloma Hernaiz and Jamie Oliver from OHLAB Architecture Lab, Spain. The office awarded was at the World Architecture Festival 2016 in Berlin. (WAF Awards 2016 Three House MM, Puro Hotel and Emardental Clinic)
Arch. IAN SIMPSON within architectural office Simpson Haugh and Partners, from the UK, winner in 2016 – AJ120 and RIBA Award.
Arch. Fanny LENOBLE from Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects in Denmark, with “Dokk1 & Malmö Live” project nominated at the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture- van der Rohe Award 2017 Mies.
Dipl. ing. arch. Arne HOFMANN, director Bollinger Grohmann Ingenieure, Austria. Architect experienced in operations interface between architecture and design of structures.
Arch. Luke LOWINGS within Carpenter | Lowings A + D from UK will present a project at the border between art, architecture, and engineering, The Hong Kong and Skylight Glass Stair vision identity for offices.
Landscape arch. Bart Dijk within OKRA- Landscape Architects, Netherlands, experienced and dedicated landscape designer, specializing in large-scale projects. Bart was in charge of urban transformation projects for large cities like Rotterdam, Basel, and Athens.
George DESCOMBES from Switzerland brings to the conference an outstanding project with an outstanding theme- “Designing the Garden River”. „Aire River” project received in 2012- Schulthess Swiss Gardens Prize which was declared “The Best Swiss Landscape Architecture Project of the Year 2015” and was a finalist in 2016 for Rosa Barba Landscape Prize.
Arch. Henrik Stjernholm from StjernholmArkitektur.dk in Denmark, city planner and chief architect of Vejle municipality for 38 years, will explain at the forum the process of drafting and success factors in adopting the first policy program architecture of a city in Denmark (1997).
Arch. FRITS van DONGEN within Van Dongen-Koschuch Architects and Planners, Netherlands, was the chief architect of the Dutch Government. He will present in GIS conference the project “Theatre of Kampanje, Den Helder.
Eng. NEIL LEWIS, Managing Director at Waterman Building Services, from the UK, will present the „Everyman Theatre” project, Overall winner in 2016 (Building Performance Champion 2016).

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