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A new president for Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce (NRCC)

The NRCC Board of Directors appointed as its new president – Gerke Witteveen, CFO of NN Life Insurance, a longstanding member of the NRCC.

Gerke Witteveen (42) has extensive experience in international business, particularly in Finance and Risk Management roles in the insurance industry. He joined NN Life Insurance in Romania as CFO in November 2016. Prior to joining NN, he worked for 11 years with Achmea, another leading Dutch insurance company. He previously worked in Romania from 2008 until 2013, as CFO for Achmea’s subsidiary Eureko/Interamerican.

Gerke Witteveen took over the mandate from Sebastiaan van Hese, director of Fokker Engineering Romania, now heading towards a new career opportunity: managing Fokker’s operations in USA.

“My objective is to build on the great work done by the NRCC in the past years. This means expanding the NRCC network, amongst others by connecting with other business communities. The aim is to facilitate new opportunities for cooperation, and to create the most effective platform possible, supporting the interests of our members. ” declares Gerke Witteveen.

Maurits Dohmen, NRCC Executive Director: “in 2016, NRCC reached important milestones, laying a stronger foundation for our ambitious plans in the near future: becoming a relevant and active platform of business matchmaking at national level, but also outside Romania’s borders. The NRCC Board of Directors would like to thank Bas van Hese for his tirelessly efforts in developing our community further and growing our presence on a national level.”

Sebastiaan van Hese says: “I am very happy to be succeeded by an outstanding businessman, well-known in the Dutch-Romanian business community. The NRCC has never been bigger and more active than right at this moment and I am confident that Gerke, together with the executive team and the board of directors, will continue the successful journey we have embarked upon some years ago, in order for the NRCC to keep increasing the value for our members “

NRCC Board of Directors 2017:

President: Gerke Witteveen, CFO NN Life Insurance
Vice President: Alex Popescu, CEO Philips Romania & South-East Europe
Treasurer: Edwin Warmerdam, Partner & Head of Tax Advisory Mazars Romania
Secretary: Isfahan Doekhie, CEO Bliss Imobiliare
Board Member: Ilinca Paun, Managing Partner Colliers International Romania
Board Member & Leader Task Force Agriculture: Irina Zugravu, Managing Partner VAPRO Romania
Board Member: Herman Wierenga, Managing Director ORTEC CEE
Board member & Leader Task Force Transport & Logistics: Philip Aarsman, Managing Director Business Lease Romania
Board member: Ronald Oort, Chief Risk Officer, ING Bank Romania


NRCC is one of the most active bilateral chambers in Romania, representing the Netherlands, the biggest source of foreign direct investment in Romania for many years now. Since 2006, by means of dedicated events and industry-focused projects, NRCC supports and promotes the Dutch-Romanian business community. After 10 years of activity, NRCC network includes 180+ members, representing 20+ industries. More details are available on www.nrcc.ro.

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