With a strong ambition to become a global brand in insulation, ODE has just completed the first phase of its new investment. ODE just started producing bitumen membrane, waterproofing insulation material, in the Eskişehir factory (Central Anatolia Turkey). The first phase of this new factory has 30,000 m2 indoor production area.
ODE’s Chairman, Mr.Orhan Turan: “With this new investment in Eskisehir, we reached an annual production capacity for bitumen membrane of above 30 million square meters. This will result finally in a market leader position for ODE in waterproofing insulation in Turkey”.
The total investment will be more than 35 million $ upon completion of the second phase in the years coming. Once this massive production facility in Eskişehir is completed, the total indoor production area of ODE, including the existing Çorlu factory, will be 100.000 m2, definitely the largest insulation material manufacturer in Turkey.
Mr.Orhan Turan:
” With the additional capacity, we have become the biggest manufacturer in membrane production”
ODE’s Chairman Orhan Turan indicated that they did not discontinue the investment process for the Eskişehir factory, despite all the developments occurring in Turkey. We have not delayed our investment and we have started producing in the first quarter of 2017 as planned. In the first phase of the plant, we plan to produce 18 million square meters of membrane annually. Together with the Çorlu plant, we will be reaching a total of 30 million square meters of membrane production annually. Thanks to this production capacity, we will be the leader in waterproofing insulation in Turkey. We have designed our factory as per the needs of the year 2030, and we have built the most modern production facility in the region. Once we complete the second phase of the investment and reach the full capacity, we will be able to produce 20 thousand tonnes of rubber foam annualy, and we will be the biggest manufacruter in technical insulation between China and Germany. Thus, we will be one step closer to our aim of being a global brand in insulation sector.”
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