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CEE Property Forum – 5th time in Vienna & a panel dedicated to Romania

On 19th September 2017 the fifth edition of CEE Property Forum, organized by Property Forum in partnership with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) will gather leading real estate professionals and top executives from Central & Eastern Europe to analyse the potential of the regional real estate market from a global perspective. 70 speakers and more than 400 visitors will come together in Vienna, creating a unique networking opportunity.
Europe and the region’s leading real estate and banking professionals, investors interested in CEE, bankers, advisors, law firms, agencies and property managers will come to Vienna to discuss the latest trends on the real estate markets of Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and many more.
Europe is going through major political and economic changes, but despite of all the uncertainty, 2016 was truly a turning point for the CEE property investment market. An increased number and more diverse group of investors started looking at individual assets and portfolios, resulting in the largest number of transactions since the beginning of the crisis. Will this upward trend continue into 2017 and 2018? Which CEE countries can present themselves as the best choice for investors? Where will new money come from to the region? Top international investors will answer all of these questions and many more in Vienna.
Property Forum events – real estate focused conferences, business breakfasts and workshops – are organised all over Europe: in Belgrade, Bratislava, Bucharest, Budapest, London, Prague and Vienna. Property Forum events are characterised by high-level networking opportunities and unique professional content thus attracting over 2000 people annually and making Property Forum one of the leading event hubs of the CEE real estate industry.
Property Forum’s core values are the inspired format, the quality of content and the commitment to seek out the most interesting and most inspiring speakers in the industry and let them share their knowledge and passion.
The first ever Property Forum event was organised in Vienna four year ago. CEE Property Forum 2013 had nearly 30 speakers and 150 visitors. This year 70 speakers and more than 400 visitors will come together in the Austrian capital at the 5th CEE Property Forum. Not only the numbers of participants but the topics have also increased during these five years. All CEE countries and all segments of the market from office to hotel and from retail to student housing are covered by diverse panel discussions and special attention is payed to topics that are currently reshaping the face of the property business, namely wellbeing and property technology.
The second largest Property Forum event focuses on the most dynamically growing region of the continent, Southeastern Europe. To this date, SEE Property Forums have been held in Belgrade and Bucharest. This year’s event, SEE Property Forum 2017 attracted 50 speakers and more than 200 visitors in the Romanian capital.
“In 2017 Property Forum continued its expansion by the introduction of a new format. Over 20 speakers and more than 100 visitors came together in the Czech capital for the first ever Prague Property Summit in April. A few weeks later a similarly sized crowd analysed the potential of the Slovak market at the first Bratislava Property Summit. 2018 is expected to be another year of growth for Property Forum with the introduction of new locations and new editions of other events such as the Emerging Europe Property Forum in London”, said Csanád Csürös, CEO of Property Forum.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is the official event partner for all Property Forum events. RICS is the world’s leading qualification when it comes to professional standards in land, property and construction. It is an independent professional body, committed to setting and upholding the highest standards of excellence and integrity – providing impartial, authoritative advice on key issues affecting businesses and society. RICS is a regulator of both its individual members and firms enabling it to maintain the highest standards and providing the basis for unparalleled client confidence in the sector.

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