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P3 announces top speaker line-up for its 2017 Conference

P3, the developer and long-term investor of logistics real estate in Europe, has announced the speaker line-up for its P3 Conference 2017: Future Now, which will take place in Prague on 12 October, 2017. Following the success of last year’s conference, which looked at how technology will change the supply chain, this invite-only event for P3 customers and other warehouse occupiers is focused on how businesses are implementing new technologies, and the benefits and challenges that they bring.
The line-up of inspiring speakers includes top executives from companies such as Amazon, Uber and IBM, as well as PTG Slovakia (a key supplier to Volkswagen) and Post Luxembourg, who will share their experience and strategies, explaining what the cutting-edge trends on the near horizon are and providing insightful, innovative, real-life solutions as to how they can be exploited to maximum benefit.
In addition, Sean Culey – a member of the European Leadership Team of the APICS Supply Chain Council, world leading futurist and globally recognised business transformation expert – will once again provide a keynote address looking at the future of the supply chain, disruptive technology and the future of work and how to develop an aligned, engaged and innovative organisation.
The speakers will look at how real companies are getting ready for the changes to their current business models, how technology can help HR and recruiting for the future (will robots replace people?), and the modern technologies that some companies are benefitting from today.
The full speaker line-up:
Vasanth Philomin, General Manager – Machine Learning & AI, Amazon
Robbie Khazzam, General Manager CEE, Uber
Tom Self, What3words (what3words global addressing system)
Martin Harris, IBM Watson IoT Europe
Achim Taylor, Director, Post Luxembourg (Luxembourg’s largest provider of postal and telecommunications services)
Filip Hrkal, COO, Cut-e CEE (an innovative provider of online assessment for HR diagnostics)
Dirk Gentgen, General Manager, PTG Slovakia
Andre Dravecky, CEO, ShipVio (an app which connects small and medium-sized businesses directly with shippers to utilise spare capacity in vehicles)
Mike Bernon, Executive Development Director, Cranfield School of Management
Motivational speaker:
Tomas Sebek, surgeon & member of Doctors Without Borders
Keynote speaker:
Sean Culey, Vice President, Manucore
The 2017 P3 Conference: Future Now is designed for senior managers and directors from the logistics sector to provide insights into recent and future technological advancement. It is open to P3 customers and representatives of other logistics space occupiers, by invitation only.
P3 CEO Ian Worboys said: „We are much more than just a developer of logistics parks; we are part of the industry, we understand the trends and issues that affect our customers, and want to help them prepare for the changes that are fast approaching and, in some cases, are already here. And, we don’t just talk about it, we do it. We work hard to identify current trends in logistics, including digitisation and automation, and develop buildings that can accommodate them.
“Our annual conference is part of our P3 community, it allows our customers and their peers to benefit from meeting and learning from each other, networking and exchanging information and experience. We are very much looking forward to welcoming them to Prague in October.”
If you are interested in attending, contact Julie Svarovska: julie.svarovska@p3parks.com

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