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Italy has plenty of projects at MIPIM in Cannes

For the fourth year in succession, Italy will be present at MIPIM (Marché International des Professionnels de l’Immobilier), the international property event to be held in Cannes from March 13 to 16. This year’s delegation will be particularly well coordinated, thanks to the efforts of ITA – Italian Trade Agency. Acting on behalf of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Agency has undertaken to promote and organise the Italian Pavilion, working in tandem with the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
This year’s event will see the participation of 10 Italian Regions: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Piedmont, Puglia, Sicily, Tuscany, Trentino and Veneto, all acting in partnership with ITA.  To these are added five major national agencies: the Agenzia del Demanio (Italian Public Real Estate Agency), Cassa depositi e prestiti, Difesa Servizi, FS Sistemi Urbani and Invimit – long active in improving public assets – and trade associations such as ANCE – Italian Association of Construction Companies, Confindustria Alberghi and Assoimmobiliare. The Metropolitan City of Bologna will also be represented, and space will be given to the City of Milan and the Lombardy Region, together with some companies in the sector with important projects throughout Lombardy.
The event is intended to showcase a huge number of high quality projects, varying in size and type and covering a wide range of possibilities, including local redevelopment plans, logistics, and hotel, residential and infrastructure development schemes. There are also office, industrial and retail projects, schemes for hubs for research laboratories, student housing initiatives, hospital facilities and other services for the public.
During the four-day French event, the Italian representatives will have many opportunities to show off their various portfolios to a highly professional international audience.
Their projects will also be available on the special public Real Estate portal: www.investinitalyrealestate.com the virtual shop window for all the Italian public property assets launched in March 2016. The portal has been developed with input from the Prime Minister’s Office, and is the result of team work between ITA and the Ministry of Economy and Finance, together with the Agenzia del Demanio and the Ministry of Defence. The aim is to select an initial shortlist of public assets to promote, with features that will potentially appeal to both “core” and “opportunistic” institutional investors as well as “corporate” users. These are opportunities with features and intended uses that are attractive for the international market, and which fit the planning requirements and could mainly be developed for offices or commercial use, hospitality, logistics or production facilities. Located in medium-large towns and in tourist locations, they should cover an average of over 1,000 square meters and preferably consist of entire buildings.

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