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The second Edition of NRCC GALA DINNER, on 25th November, Cluj Napoca

After 4 years of regular activities in Cluj NRCC it’s getting ready for the second Edition of  NRCC GALA DINNER, on 25th November, when the entire NRCC Board will be present, as well the new Dutch Ambassador.

The event will be co-hosted by BEROCC (Belgian-Romanian Business Association), HBAR (Hungarian Business Association in Romania) and the IBC (Italian Business Club), in order to have a more diverse audience.

Join us on November 25, for a premium social event with a business twist, where the NRCC Business Community, BEROCC (Belgian-Romanian Business Association), HBAR (Hungarian Business Association in Romania) and the IBC (Italian Business Club) will presents themselves to Cluj.

The event is aimed at bringing together the Business Communities from Bucharest with local Businesses from Cluj and surroundings (+100 people).

The evening will consist of an Formal Reception, a 4 course Seated Dinner (including 30 minute Intermission) and Afterdrink, hosted by Grand Hotel Italia.
„We want to support and continue our local development, so we organize the 2nd Edition of NRCC GALA DINNER in Cluj. Of course, bearing the NRCC signature, the event promises to be spectaculaire, unique in its kind. We will enjoy a relaxed evening in a 5* location, promote our community (and a bit the Netherlands), network and of course party” declares Mr. Maurits Dohmen, NRCC Executive Director.


ENJOY a gala evening of fine food and quality wines, spirits and jazzy ending;

MEET the NRCC, BEROCC, HBAR and the IBC on a decision maker level (100+ people)

GET IN TOUCH with the NRCC Board of Directors (including NRCC President Tom Leene)


Become a Sponsor and benefit from full company exposure (prior, during and after the event). For sponsorship opportunities, please contact us info@nrcc.ro.

Buy Individual Table Seat/s: access to entire evening program (Reception, Seated Dinner & Afterdrink). Contact us info@nrcc.ro


100 EURO + VAT for Members of NRCC, BEROCC, HBAR & IBC

130 EURO + VAT for External Companies


Sponsors: PHILIPSFSP GlobalXINDAO-PRINTMASTERS,  BCR, Fine Accounting, OranjegreopAndreea HRBanca Transilvania

Mobility Partner: Business Lease

Production Partner: FIVE’S

Event Supporters: David Intercar, Merce Real Estate

Event Partners: HEINEKEN, FrieslandCampinaGitana WineryLuado ChocolateCafé LiegeoisMacromexHotel Grand Italia

Communication Partners: PRIA EventsDeBizzElite Business Women Transilvania Business


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