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The 1st quarterly CEE Digital Services Matchmaking Summit

The 1st quarterly CEE Digital Services Matchmaking Summit18 June on the Hopin platform. This is a focused 1-day event to connect global technology buyers (primarily in western Europe, Scandinavia, UK, US and Japan) with top digital services providers from CEE (Poland. Hungary. Ukraine. Romania. Bulgaria. Serbia. Czech Republic. Slovakia. Lithuania. Latvia. Belarus. Moldova.)

Click here to reserve a TicketDEADLINE: 15 June. Deadline for Matchmaking Application: “First-come, First-served”.

Background to the Summit & Matchmaking event:

We have 2-events-in-1:

  1. Summit with full Agenda of 20 Speakers; and
  2. 1-on-1 Matchmaking meetings limited to just 25 digital buyers and 50 digital services providers from CEE. The fee is 190euro, and our aim is to have 5 meetings per company attending. (Caveat: not all Matchmaking requests will be accepted; the Organiser requires that the company be prepared to deliver international projects, and fit the needs of international buyers.)

An exceptional online event on the Hopin Platform:

Stuck in your old-fashioned, one-way Webinars? Join us on 18 June for this multi-dimensional, interactive event on the Hopin platform. Connect to buyers. Meet someone new (when’s the last time you did that?) via our Virtual Networking. Let clients know that you’re still there (are you?) via our Virtual Information Booths. 25+ speakers. See this Video to get a feel for the Hopin platform. The unusual, cutting-edge features include:

  • 1-on-1 video meetings every 15 minutes with pre-screened and pre-invited potential partners.
  • Live-streaming of all Plenary sessions and Workshop Sessions for more specific, deep-dive subjects and embedded webinars.
  • V-Networking area (with Invitation-only access)(featuring a way-cool “random generator” technical tool to optimize who you meet)
  • V-Information Booths with Live Video Meetings and Video-streaming. (1300euro). See this Video to see how the V-Information Booths work.

Partners include:
CEE-based Software/IT Associations

IVSZ Hungary, ANIS Romania, Slovakia AI Association, City of Wroclaw, Moldova ICT Association, Bulgarian Outsourcing Association – and 4 more to be announced.

International Partners outside CEE include:

ITR Advisory (Tokyo), British-Polish Chamber of Commerce (London), Baltic American Chamber of Commerce (New York), StartUp Rocket (New York), Screaming Box (Los Angeles), Middle Game Ventures (Luxembourg), and FDI Business Diplomacy – and 5 more to be announced.

As the founders of CEE Digital Services Association – and the online CEE Digital Services Directory – our aim is to connect the talent-rich CEE markets with global buyers.


If you’d like to reserve a ticket (limited), Click here to reserve a Ticket – DEADLINE: 15 June. Deadline for Matchmaking Application: “First-come, First-served”.

Or any specific questions to the organizer Thom Barnhardt, tb@biznespolska.pl, 48-508-143-963.

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