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CA IMMO Romania: Together we can be stronger

CA Immo specializes in office properties in Central European capitals and controls property assets of around € 5.2 bn in Germany, Austria and Eastern Europe. The company covers the entire value chain in the field of commercial real estate, from lettings and management to project development based on a high degree of in-house construction expertise.
CA Immo was founded in 1987 and has been listed on the ATX index of the Vienna Stock Exchange, with free float of around 74%  at the present time.

The company, based in Vienna, has branch offices in Frankfurt, Munich, Berlin, Belgrade, Bucharest, Budapest, Warsaw and Prague. “Together we can be stronger”,  Marian Roman, Managing Director, CA IMMO, Romania.

What type of adaptive measures the company/your project(s) needed? What were the lessons of this period?

In many affected countries, governments have mandated or advised work from home for all employees — an unanticipated situation for most organizations that requires them to quickly review and modify existing policies. For CA IMMO this important change of way of working has been surpassed with success, as during last years the company had created the network and had implemented the remote work, as an option/facility offered to the employee. Remote-work success depends heavily on whether you trust employees to do their work even if you can’t see them. As well, employees who work from home often manage their time so as to leverage the time of day when they feel most productive, and they don’t suffer unnecessary interruptions to the degree they do in the office.

What is the status of your current project(s) and investments planned for 2020-2021?

In Romania, we aim to secure as investments outstanding asset quality combining prime locations with high-grade building quality, but we do not see real pressure on decision process for the next 9-12 months, as the local portfolio is stable, but depending also by the market flow/challenges.

What transformations you expect in your sector, their effects for the Romanian economy and in a regional perspective?

The Covid-19 pandemic has caused disruption across asset classes, and office real estate markets are “by no means immune”, however it could take several months or longer for data showing the true impact of the virus. New occupational demand will drop away significantly this year, and a complete market recovery next year remains very uncertain.

What is your message to clients and partners?

Together we can be stronger, cooperation is crucial in overpassing the Covid-19 challenge, by meaning of implementing/applying all sets of hygienically measures in the buildings, necessary to re-start and continue the office work in safe conditions.


An article published in the exclusive supplement –  “Market pulse report, Romania – The new normal” | June 2020

A property market tour, including major cities, with projects status and updated opportunities at the end of the lockdown in Romania – June 2020. | Essential news with the current status of further investments, clients and partners relations, new priorities for the post crisis cycle. | B2B communication report – to help you mark your statements during the changes period.

Content partner: Crosspoint
Partners: CA IMMOCATTED Business ParkCluj Business CampusVox Property Group

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