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Brisk Group: It is our duty to keep the lights on

“Brisk Group has the experience and means to help this business to reshape and respond to the current requirements, through our top-quality project and cost management services and highly skilled and experienced team”, Claudiu Bisnel, Partner Brisk Group.

Covid-19 pandemic has shown us among other things the importance of being flexible and adaptive. It has been key for businesses to react quickly and adapt to the fast changes that we all have experienced. There are positive aspects and opportunities coming from this difficult experience, as acceleration of digitalization of the construction sites, also enabling a more dynamic and efficient transfer of information between project stakeholders. In fact, the entire construction industry has benefited from this, consequently digital solution, internet / cloud -based solutions being ever more present as a direct consequence COVID 19 pandemic.  Also, it had the effect of showing the benefits of a thorough planned approach to project management, which Brisk Group always deploys as part of our services. Having a structured and process driven approach to managing projects, we were able to react and respond in the new context and implement the required measures as to minimize any negative impacts. As one of the greats was saying: “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often” – Winston Churchill.

What is the status of your current project(s) and investments planned for 2020-2021?

Together with our clients and partners we have taken all necessary measures, adapting to the current situation and environment, thus keeping full steam ahead on the project we are involved in. We have passed through these difficult times with flying colors, due to an efficient approach with focused and concentrated efforts from the entire team. Now we are banking on the lessons learned in this period, Brisk Group is prepared for the new challenges and new social and economic context that lays ahead of us. We are, as always, one step ahead for our clients and partners! As always, one of our main priorities is to help our customers to find the best solutions to successfully adapt and structure their projects to the new environment.  It is our duty to keep the lights on during this period!

Which are the advantages of your business and products, going forward? What are your expectations from the public sector, state projects to support future business?

It is clear that we are currently experiencing a recession, though this is not the kind of recession that has it fundamentals into mishandling of finance and economics. This is a recession based on external threat to our health, a sanitary crisis that impacts our ability to produce and consume (with a direct impact on supply and demand) with big emotional leverage as well. During these times, it is very important, for everyone of us to have a sense of security. This in turn will install confidence in society enabling everyone to feel more comfortable, fact that will have positive effects on the economy – bringing us closer to business as usual mode. As a consequence, it is crucial for business to react in these lines and create a safe and secure environment for their employees, customers and partners. It is very possible that we will see an adaptation / reconfiguration of office spaces, restaurants, high street business, etc.

Brisk Group has the experience and means to help this business to reshape and respond to the current requirements, through our top-quality project and cost management services and highly skilled and experienced team. Also, big infrastructure public projects are key to boosting the construction sector and in fact the entire economy. These projects create traction around them, employing large number of business and people, unlocking new areas and new opportunities for business, offering connectivity, thus putting in motion the engines of the economy. Brisk Group has experience in big infrastructure projects, and we are keen to be involved and contribute. Our current experience includes involvement in big international aviation and nuclear projects.

Through our experience and our values, we are a strong, keen, and devoted partner that you can count on! Assurance and Predictability are essential in this period and we are offering this through our suit of services and our top team of experts. Our goal is to continue to deliver excellence through our services for our clients, to respond and anticipate client and projects needs and to maintain and develop the trust and good reputation we enjoy in the market.

What transformations you expect in your sector, their effects for the Romanian economy and in a regional perspective?

The construction industry is an essential cog in the mechanism of the economy. As always, the construction industry will play an important role in the revival of the economy. Brisk Group is well equipped to respond to the new trends and requirements of the market. We have all the tools to assure the success of our clients, the effective and efficient implementation and delivery of their projects. Speaking from our own experience we can see additional and necessary increased measures, in the context of COVID 19 pandemic, being implemented with regards to health and safety which naturally attract additional costs to the projects. Also, we can see a rearrangement in prices with regards to labor (as this is more available), cost of material being influenced in close relation to transport, delivery times and production. As we are still in a transition / adaptive period, with regards to the new circumstances, created by the coronavirus pandemic, our estimation indicates a returning to normal scenario in the following months as lockdown period measures in a number of countries will be lifted gradually.  We are systematically entering in a more optimistic economic period with a sensible recovery in the first quarter of 2021.

What is your message to clients and partners?

It is important to work hard and responsible to do our best no matter the circumstances. Predictability and flexibility are key for business, and we have the tools and experience to offer these to our clients and partners through our top-quality project and cost management services. We will continue to be an innovative, robust, trustworthy partner providing high-quality services and always being one step ahead for our you!

Adaptive measures that Brisk Group implemented

  • Developed incident management and scenario plans specific to COVID-19 crisis
  • Developed rigorous social distancing protocols
  • Implemented safety measures in sites
  • Employee training regarding the new measures
  • Took the measures to minimize the risk of business disruptions
  • Assessing the remote working strategy and implementing it for most of the employees
  • Identify alternative supply chain scenarios
  • Accelerating digital transformations
  • Maintaining the best working procedures among administrative employees even from home


An article published in the exclusive supplement –  “Market pulse report, Romania – The new normal” | June 2020

A property market tour, including major cities, with projects status and updated opportunities at the end of the lockdown in Romania – June 2020. | Essential news with the current status of further investments, clients and partners relations, new priorities for the post crisis cycle. | B2B communication report – to help you mark your statements during the changes period.

Content partner: Crosspoint
Partners: CA IMMOCATTED Business ParkCluj Business CampusVox Property Group



“Romania’s Real Estate Yearbook 2021” – November 2020

An essential, integrated, printed, safe, market guide, mirroring the pulse of the market, at the official turn of the decade, post crisis, for 2021.

8th edition, exclusive | Romania’s most comprehensive investment guide – unique concept | office & innovation parks | logistic & industrial parks | investment opportunities | international trends guide| leading business contacts | opportunities for 2021: residential, retail, HoReCa | tailored distribution – the most diverse business areas.

Print & online editions, November 2020, premium, English.

Country promotion support in international future events or meetings.

ionut.oprea@transilvaniabusiness.ro | +40 721 197 559

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