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[Enjoy Transylvania!] Reghin municipality, from a rich history to digital technology

Reghin Municipality (German “Sächsisch-Regen”, Hungarian “Szászrégen, Nagyrégen”), Mureș county, has a special charm and has been blessed by the nature, the history and especially by the people that touched the small, but kind-hearted city situated at the junction of the Mureș Valley with Gurghiu Valley.

First mentioned in 1228, Reghin has witnessed a continuous development, being known throughout history as the area that paved the way towards wood craftsmanship due to nature’s blessing of a forest that surrounds the beautiful town that lies on Mureș river’s shore like a caring parent.

The Saxon ethnic group influenced the town’s development, building the important Saxon Church that is seven centuries old, as well as other ethnicities that lived in Reghin – Hungarians, Jews and Romanians – who all contributed to the town’s development all leading up to 1863 when Reghin was established as a free regal city.

Witnessing the history, Reghin always knew how to prosper, beginning with the old craftsmen who made the city proud up to the great industry that knew how to use the abundant existing raw materials, but most of all due to the hard work put in by those who knew how to highlight its qualities. Reghin has always been in the front row, whether we are talking about wood, the first violin, sporting goods or heavy industry, metallurgy, forestry equipment manufacturing and it still holds its position, being the only city where both violin and tractor found a 100% Romanian home.

Reghin doesn’t have only industry, factories and plants, but also culture highlighted by personalities such as Josef Haltrich, Petru Maior, Augustin Maior, Eugen Nicoară, Alexandru Todea and Ovidiu Bojor, to name just a few from the long beautiful list of Reghin personalities.

But those who have left their mark on the city have been its people, no matter the ethnicity, who have managed to find a common ground for Reghin’s development, without denying their own traditions – Reghin’s traditional Romanian, Hungarian and Saxon events being evidence in this respect.

Reghin CityApp, an open gate towards the future

Reghin’s history is still written using skill and new forms of expression by the present generations, proof that Reghin never stays in the past, but breathes nicely the new air of technology.

In 2018, the year in which Reghin celebrated 790 years of existence, a new successful app has been launched – Reghin CityApp – which was awarded during Smart Cities of Romania Gala.

“The project for which I have been nominated and awarded, even if not the grand prize, was a courageous project of the young people in my team. It’s not my achievement, I have just collected the award, and it is strictly the achievement of the young team in the City Hall that had the courage to promote it. I didn’t think that the effect on the citizens that always communicate with the City Hall employees will be that great, as well as on the municipality’s employees. A complaint received during the night can get a reply with the steps that have been made in that direction right in the morning. Everyone is connected to this project, measures are taken and we are aware of all the complaints, accidents, basically of everything that moves because the operators need truthful information, but also to tourist and entrepreneurship promotion. All of our businesses are connected and promote their products, services and their entire business for free. Economically, the Reghin municipality is highly developed, and we only have issues with the workforce” said Maria Precup, mayor of the Reghin municipality.

Reghin City App is an app created to solve two big needs of the community: promotion of tourism and entrepreneurship, but also the facilitation of direct communication between the citizen and local authority, both being crucial components in the e-government strategy.

(From the special edition of TB 86 – „ENJOY TRANSYLVANIA!” – May/June 2019)

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