5th edition – Recouping Hotel Investment Values & Progressing with New Developments, May 30-31, Budapest, the leading hotel investment conference of Central and Eastern Europe & Caucasus.
300+ event participants from 32 countries
45% Investors, Owners, VPs and MDs
40+ Top-notch speakers from the industry
14+ Sessions covered by top industry professionals
Register: here,
Speakers 2022: here.
Agenda 2022: here.
Ivica Čačić, REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENT DEVELOPMENT MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL: HOTCO was a great success, bringing together the hotel investment and development community from across the CEE region. The program format offered many high-level discussions on the major trends relevant to our industry. The best measure of success for us was the deals we have generated out of the conference.
HOTCO is an international hotel investment conference focusing on the hotspots for hotel development in Europe: Central and Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. It is in the forefront of presenting global trends to help attendees interpret their impact on their local markets. For the fifth time on 30th-31st May 2022, HOTCO will bring together investors, developers, hotel companies and stakeholders from the region.
James Chappell, GLOBAL BUSINESS DIRECTOR, HORWATH HTL: CEE has an incredible history, which makes it a complex region culturally and from a business logics points of view. Such diversity poses challenges, hence equally tremendous opportunities for the hotel industry. HOTCO will no doubt be the event to attend in 2022 if CEE is in your strategic focus.
FOUNDING PATRON: Horwath HTL Hungary celebrated 30 years in 2019, having successfully completed over 1,000 engagements on four continents. Horwath HTL is the global leader in hospitality consulting with 45 offices across the world providing expert local knowledge and quality solutions. Horwath HTL focuses 100% on hotels, tourism and leisure consulting and globally has successfully completed over 30,000 projects. With over two hundred professionals and membership of a top ten accounting network, Horwath HTL is the number one choice for companies and financial institutions looking to invest and develop in the industry.