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Premiere of the Made in Poland report

Poland is a good place to invest – according to the report “Made in Poland” created by JLL Polska in cooperation with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), Hays and ALTO. The publication is a compendium of knowledge for investors from abroad about institutional support in Poland, legal and tax issues with an analysis of the real estate market, the manufacturing sector and the labour market. The aim of the report is to provide investors and producers with the necessary information, as well as tips on industrial investments in Poland.

The “Made in Poland” report is a comprehensive guide for investors – manufacturing companies that are considering starting a business in Poland, as well as for those that are already present and developing their activities in our country. The report was prepared by JLL Polska experts and partners – Hays, PAIH and Alto – who, by sharing their know-how, can guide the investor through the entire process. The report is a comprehensive report which indicattes the possibilities and principles of business development, addressing key issues ranging from the labour market, through legal and tax issues, the real estate market, to opportunities related to public investment support.

According to the latest edition of the JLL report “Made in Poland”, 2021 was a record year when it comes to investments in Poland. Manufacturers from all over the world see numerous advantages as a result of deciding to invest in Poland. Our country has a favorable location on the European continent and modern transport infrastructure, connecting the main cities of the region. We are also increasing our competitive advantage thanks to attractive costs of doing business and public investment incentives. With the support of the Polish Investment and Trade Agency, foreign companies have invested over EUR 3.5 billion in Poland.

This is 800 million euros more than a year ago and 700 million more than in the record-breaking year 2019. Behind these numbers there is not only money, but also new jobs – there will be nearly 18,000 of them – emphasizes Monika Grzelak, Deputy Director of PAIH’s Investment Center.

Read the report – here

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