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The Poland Observer in TOP 10 at MIPIM 2023.

The conference at the most recent edition of MIPIM, under the patronage of Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) and the City of Warsaw (Grow with Warsaw), led by Richard Stephens, was the 3rd HIGHEST-ATTENDED SESSION at mipim world!

With dozens of conferences, seminars and presentations being organized in Cannes over 4 days, this is testament to the international interest in the Polish market.


The most-attended sessions were as follows:

1) The keynote speech by US economist and author Jeremy Rifkin (Jeremy Rifkin Enterprises) with 456 attendees

2) Italian Real Estate by Chiomenti with 277 attendees

3) POLAND: OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTERNATIONAL INVESTORS by The Poland Observer in association with the Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) and The City of Warsaw (Grow with Warsaw) with 266 attendees.

4) Lisbon: The Western Capital of Europe by Invest Lisboa, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa and APPII – Portuguese Association of Real Estate Developers and Investors with 265 attendees.

5) Emerging Trends in Global Real Estate by Urban Land Institute with 255 attendees.

The remaining top 10 were: Co-Liv Summit by MIPIM (247), Montpellier (211), Greater Porto (208), Hospitality Workshop (183), ITA – Italian Trade Agency (156).

This is a great opportunity once again to shine a light on the participants of the session:

Piotr Uściński, Ministry of Economic Development and Technology, Deputy Mayor of Warsaw Michal OlszewskiPolish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) – Agnieszka Bonnefoy & Wojciech Rydel; Griffin Capital PartnersMaciej Dyjas; Katowicka Specjalna Strefa Ekonomiczna S.A. – Mateusz RykałaCEC GroupStanisław PietrzakGrupa Capital Park – Kinga Nowakowska7R SA – Michał Białas; Syrena Real Estate – Witold Zatoński.

The Poland Observer will organize a similar session at the upcoming EXPO REAL (Messe München) fair on Thursday 5 October (2nd day) from 15.00 – 16.30 in association with The City of Warsaw – if you’re interested in taking part or coming along, please contact Richard Stephens.

And of course, The Poland Observer will be organizing another session at MIPIM 2024, which is from 12 – 15 March.



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