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Smart cities and urban innovation – Integrating travel and sustainability

The British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce is glad to organize the event entitled The Smart Cities and Urban Innovation – Integrating travel and sustainability, which will take place on the 14th of November, at Hotel Traian Iasi, starting with 10 AM.


It is a comprehensive conference focusing on the development and implementation of smart technologies in urban environments, with a special emphasis on enhancing travel experiences and promoting sustainability. The event brings together city planners, technology providers, sustainability experts, travel industry professionals, and policymakers to explore innovative solutions for creating smart, sustainable, and traveler-friendly cities.


Key themes:

  • How smart city technologies can enhance urban mobility and travel experiences.
  • Sustainable urban development practices and technologies.
  • The importance of collaboration between various stakeholders in the travel, technology, and urban planning sectors.
  • Case studies and best practices adopted by smart cities of Romania



  • 10:00-10:30 – Registration of the participants and welcome coffee
  • 30-10.45 – Opening remarks by the BRCC
  • 45-12:00 – Panel discussion and Q & A
  • 00-12:15 – Closing remarks
  • 15-14.00 –Coffee Break and Networking


Event Moderator:

Alexandru Debrezeni – Member of ANEVAR


Event Speakers confirmed so far:

  • Bogdan Coconoiu – Corporate Affairs Manager – Anima Wings
  • Cristina Căluianu – National Expert for Romania – European Accessibility Resource Centre AccessibleEU


Join us to shape the future of a more sustainable and digitalized world!


Please note that this event will be conducted in Romanian.


Kindly note that this event is free of charge and and both members or non-members are more than welcome to attend!


Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=gQz90UsCf0ig5x9tQVHgnP6TeGTUSGdJllxr–hJrTpUQTZNQUpIN0lQTTBaSjRRTDhKTlhBVDlZQS4u



Gold Partner:

Christian Tour


Strategic Partners:

Nomade Communication

Accessible Centre EU


Media Partners:

Nine O’Clock

Oameni si Companii


Transilvania Business

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