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MAPIC Awards 2023 – Discover the finalist for Best Urban Regenation Project

Created in 1996, the MAPIC Awards reward excellence, innovation and creativity in the retail real estate industry, celebrating the industry’s most useful, sustainable and visionary projects.

The prestigious Jury shortlisted the 2023 projects. In line with this year’s theme of ‘The Age of Responsible Growth’, the awards aim to select landmark projects and brand leaders that are foregrounding communities and the environment.

This year’s winners will be revealed during the MAPIC Awards Ceremony & Gala Dinner, a high-level networking event. The ceremony will be held on 29th November, 2023, from 19:30 to 22:00 at the Salon des Ambassadeurs, located in the Palais des Festivals in Cannes.

If you would like to obtain further information about the gala dinner or make a booking, please send an email to mapic.awards@rxglobal.com

Join the international retail property market event

Created in 1995, MAPIC is the leading global platform to build vibrant retail & urban destinations. The international retail property market event will gather retail, property, food & leisure leaders from over 75 countries at the on-site event from 28 to 30 November 2023.

MAPIC is the leading international gathering of the retail property, leisure, food, and tech communities.

Meet with the key players driving the transformation taking place within the industry to build vibrant lifestyle destinations. In 2023, 6,000 participants and 1,800 retailers & DNVBS, and food & leisure players from 75 countries will attend the show.

The finalist for Best Urban Regenation Project:



Battersea Power Station (BPS) is now open to the public after an eight-year restoration, transformed into a one-of-a-kind, mixed-use destination with over 100 shops, bars, restaurants and leisure venues, 254 apartments and 565,000 sq ft of office space, creating a new town centre for Wandsworth.

Nearly forty years after its closure, BPS is now London’s most experiential retail and leisure destination. The Grade II* listed building and new pedestrianised high street, Electric Boulevard, bring together an eclectic mix of British, international and small independent brands, as well as unique leisure experiences, housed in and around the restored landmark.



Designed by famed architect Winy Maas and his architecture firm MVRDV, Les Ateliers Gaîté is a sustainable mixed-use redevelopment that integrates residential, offices and a hotel alongside new community-oriented retail and amenities.

The project integrates the revived district in Paris with the local community, creating better connectivity with the surrounding neighborhood while acting as a catalyst for the broader regeneration of Montparnasse. The development incorporates 62 social housing units and triples the area dedicated to public services, including a new municipal library and a childcare center.

This people-centric mixed-use destination makes a practical contribution to the lives of residents, workers and visitors.



Galataport Istanbul reattributes 1.2 kilometers of the Bosphorus waterfront back to the city by building the world’s first underground terminal, redefining Istanbul’s historic port into a buzzing gastronomy, arts & culture and shopping neighborhood.

With a total investment of $1.7 billion, Galataport Istanbul is a monumental mega project seamlessly woven into the fabric of the city. Its urban planning approach, characterized by low-rise buildings and thoughtfully designed squares and streets, ensures a seamless integration with the surrounding urban landscape.

It is located in Karakoy, one of Istanbul’s oldest neighborhoods and has an enchanting view of the Historical Peninsula.


The ceremony will be held on 29th November, 2023, from 19:30 to 22:00 at the Salon des Ambassadeurs, located in the Palais des Festivals in Cannes.

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