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New CEO for TÜV SÜD's Real Estate & Infrastructure Division

Joachim Birnthaler “One-stop services for the real-estate industry”
Joachim Birnthaler is the new CEO of TÜV SÜD’s Real Estate & Infrastructure Division, in which the international provider of quality, safety and sustainability solutions offers a comprehensive suite of services for the entire real-estate industry. Joachim Birnthaler succeeds Dr Ulrich Klotz, who will leave the company at his own request to seek new professional challenges after seven successful years in the position.
TÜV SÜD’s Real Estate & Infrastructure Division offers a comprehensive suite of services for the entire real-estate industry. Providing engineering and assessment services as well as professional support throughout the life cycle of properties, the real-estate experts establish a high level of transparency and a sound basis for decision making. As new CEO of the Real Estate & Infrastructure Division, Joachim Birnthaler will continue to drive the division’s internationalization and its alignment to changing market requirements. “We will focus on further improving our range of services, moving towards building a suite of one-stop end-to-end solutions”, says Birnthaler.
Key success factors in this context are the continuous strengthening of global consulting expertise and clear customer focus accompanied by the effective pooling of services. Additionally we have to develop more digital expertise and innovative solutions in this area. “We help our customers to integrate into an increasingly digital and connected world”, explains Birnthaler “To do so, we pursue a holistic and value-adding strategy geared towards supporting our customers’ interests.”
Throughout his professional career, Joachim Birnthaler has worked intensively with market requirements and customer needs. The 53-year old business administration graduate joined TÜV SÜD in 2006. Since then he has held a variety of responsible executive positions at divisional and regional level within the group of companies. In October 2012 he was appointed CEO of the then newly established Global Customer Operations (GCO) corporate function. In this position, he held responsibility for the development of TÜV SÜD’s strategic key-account program and generated strong growth in sales revenue in this sector critical to the Group as a whole. “In my last position, I experienced time and again that real-estate topics often play a key part in establishing long and sustainable customer relationships”, emphasizes Birnthaler. “In the Real Estate & Infrastructure Division, we will continue to pursue this approach and dedicate ourselves to further improving our existing services and developing new solutions in the future, particularly in the field of digitisation.”

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