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NRCC Night of the SMEs – join the most interactive event for SMEs!


Netherlands Romanian Chamber of Commerce organizes on November 20, in Bucharest, the 3rd edition of its dedicated event for Small & Medium Enterprises.
Launched successfully in 2015 in Bucharest, NRCC NIGHT OF THE SMEs is aimed to the decision makers of SMEs using the set-up of a Gala Dinner, where the focus is on Knowledge Exchange channeled in various Key-Topics, Interaction and Networking.

The event includes a dinamique set-up, focused on the needs of the participants. During the dinner slot, attendants change tables at every course (25 minutes / course) in order to meet new people and enjoy a new appealing key-topic of their choice, creating so the perfect match between need and expertise.
The first two editions  organized in Bucharest proved to be of added value for the SMEs attending, reason why the event started travelling around the country, with a 1st edition organized in March 2017, in Cluj, in partnership with the British Romanian Chamber of Commerce.
„The changing tables concept is the key-ingredient that made the event succesfull, growing each year in terms of attendance and key-topics presented. „Forced” to leave their tables, people interact more and, the most important, networking and know-how transfer are more efficient and targeted. We always try to keep our events fresh, reason why we introduced this year new key-topics and we will launch during the event the 1st edition of the NRCC Guide for SMEs, a practical booklet, written by NRCC members and content-driven by the needs of SMEs„ declares Mr. Maurits Dohmen, NRCC Executive Director.
·       Connect with 100 owners & decision makers from SMEs (NRCC members & external companies)
·       Choose topics of interest for interactive 1-2-1 table discussions, focused on your company. 9 key-topics available so far the interactive table discussions (list still open):
1) Employee incentive – Edenred Romania
2) Training – Ascent Group
3) Credit & Factoring – Access Financial Services Romania
4) Sales & Negotiation – Valoria
5) Credit risk management – Creditinfo Romania
6) Health – Medicover
7) Human Resources – Alexander Hughes
8) Insurance – CMC Group Broker de Asigurare
9) EU Funds – Wise Finance Solutions
·       Identify business development opportunities during Reception, Intermission during dinner and After Drink
·       Enjoy NRCC Live Talk: live interview moderated by Lucian Mindruta, special guest: Florin Talpes, CEO Bitdefender, proud member of the NRCC community
·       Enjoy quality food & wines, in a 5* location
Fees & Registration
Fee for NRCC members – 85 euro / person
Fee for members of befriended chambers / associations – 110 euro / person
(list available here)
Fee for external companies – 125 euro / person
Online registration form is available here. Taking into account the set-up of the event (with a prior table placing for each guest), register until 16th of November. 
NRCC is one of the most active bilateral chambers in Romania. Since 2006, by means of dedicated events and industry-focused projects, NRCC supports and promotes the Dutch-Romanian business community. After 10 years of activity, NRCC network now includes 200 members, representing 20+ industries. More details are available on www.nrcc.ro.
Contact person
Oana Groşanu
Communication Manager & Project Manager Task Forces
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