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Business (r)Evolution Conference in Bucharest

Leading executives from local and multinational companies and major entrepreneurs from Romania are expected to attend the national conference Business (r)Evolution organized by Doingbusiness.ro, on 27 September 2018 (THU), at the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel in Bucharest.

The event offers a unique opportunity for participants to learn the newest ways in which competition, digitization and entrepreneurship transform the economy of Romania.

„Business (r)Evolution is an exceptional opportunity to find out the mega-trends that change the long-term economic landscape. Participants will also find solutions to the irreversible transformations brought about by the digital revolution for business. We will discuss whether digitization is a trend or a tsunami, as almost everything is changed – from production and consumption to financial intermediation. Managers and entrepreneurs who will choose to be present at the event in Bucharest will join the over 300 participants from the previous editions of this year’s series in Oradea and Constanta”, said Dumitru ION, CEO of Doingbusiness.ro.

The conference, to be moderated by journalist Radu Soviani, is structured in two sessions devoted to high-performance digital economy and digitization opportunities and ends with a special, interactive session dedicated to leaders who want to achieve maximum performance in management.

The event will be opened by Daniela Marin, an expert of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with over 15 years of experience in business development and international finance. More than 700 Romanian companies have been supported so far under the program coordinated by Daniela Marin (EBRD Advice for Small Businesses in Romania) to access consultancy services and to transform their businesses.

The second session, which develops the opportunities for digitization, will decipher the B2B purchasing behaviors of Gen Y managers (Elena Badea – Valoria Business Solutions), new digital marketing strategies (Tudor Galoş – Tudor Galos Consulting) and will provide companies with ways to speed up sales that do not require additional costs (Ozana Giuşcă -Tooliers). The participants to this session will also learn about applications that make the transition from big data to smart data and will see how big companies have approached digital transformation.

For the first time for the Business (r)Evolution national conference, the event ends with a session of maximum interactivity supported by international speaker and coach Allan Kleynhans, with which business leaders can identify their key communication skills and how to maximize these abilities in order to lead departments and teams to high performance.

The main partner of the event is Telekom Romania. The conference partners are Allianz-Ţiriac Asigurari, Valoria, Kompass, Allan Kleynhans International, Tooliers, Pescariu Sports & Spa. The event is supported by Qubiq Digital Solutions, and media partners are Agerpres, Transilvania Business, ziare.com, Business Journal, Careers, Business24, CFnet – Financial News Magazine, Financial Market, spaceconstruit.ro, Events Calendar, InvestClub, PRbox. en, Manager Express, Financial Week, Biz Events.

Participation in the national Business (r)Evolution conference is free of charge for the first 2 representatives of each participating company. The program of the event and the terms of participation for more than two representatives per company are available here: (https://doingbusiness.ro/eveniment/business-revolution-digitalizare-trend-sau-tsunami-bucuresti-2018-25)

After the Bucharest event, the national series of the Business (r)Evolution conference continues in Iași (18 October 2018) and Brașov (31 October 2018). On 22 November 2018, Doingbusiness.ro organizes the second edition of this year’s landmark conference for Romania: CEO Conference – Shaping the Future.

About Doingbusiness.ro

Doingbusiness.ro is the business portal that provides users with information about opportunities in the national economy as well as about the main companies active in each field. Doingbusiness.ro projects include Romanian Business Digest and Major Companies of Romania, in print and online versions.

Doingbusiness.ro services include but are not limited to event agency services, communication services and direct marketing – call center, direct mailing, market research. Doingbusiness.ro is the organizer of its own series of events CEO Conference, Business (r) Evolution, Business to More Business, IMM ReStart, Emerging Europe Energy Summit and Emerging Europe Investment Summit. CEO Conference is the landmark event of the Romanian economy.

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