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MIPIM 2020 rescheduled to June 2-5 in Cannes

Reed MIDEM, organiser of MIPIM, the world’s leading property market, today announces that the 2020 edition of the event has been rescheduled and will take place June 2-5 in Cannes.
MIPIM’s original March 10-13 dates are changing due to growing concerns related to the coronavirus (Covid-19).
“The well-being of our clients and staff is our priority. Given the evolving context, the best course of action is to postpone MIPIM to June,” said Reed MIDEM Chief Executive, Paul Zilk.
“This is not a decision we have taken lightly.  We believe these new dates will provide the international MIPIM community with the opportunity to achieve their business objectives. We are grateful to our clients for their support and constructive input during this challenging period, and we look forward to talking with them in the coming days about MIPIM in June”, added Paul Zilk.
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