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Team Xior / DubbeLL / Mecanoo wins with „BrinkToren” tender for last lotat prime location Overhoeks in Amsterdam

Xior Student Housing NV, the Belgian real estate investment trust (BE-REIT) specialised in student housing in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal, has won a tender together with DubbeLL and Mecanoo and thereby acquired an option on a new development project in the Netherlands situated at a strategic location on the north side of the IJ waterfront in Amsterdam. The City of Amsterdam awarded the tender for the very last high-rise lot on Overhoeks to the Xior team, consisting of, besides Xior, DubbeLL-buurtontwikkelaars, Mecanoo Architecten, Merosch, Dakdokters, Pim Evers, WeDriveSolar, Van Rossum and Nelissen Ingenieurs, with their „BrinkToren” submission. The tower will become a true eye catcher with its 28 floors (approximately 90 meters high) and will, on completion (expected by 2026)offer accommodation to approximately 400 new residents. The total net investment value of this development amounts to approximately EUR 61 million for Xior, with an expected initial yield in line with market yields.

This new tower, located on a prime location near the Eye film museum and the „IJ” water front and easily accessible from the Central Station via the ferry service, forms the transition between the Van der Pek neighbourhood and Overhoeks. BrinkToren will soon be a green, sustainable and vibrant vertical living neighbourhood with a wide variety of units that will accommodate a diverse group of peop lewho will beliving, working, studying, doing business and relaxing in a green and healthy environment.

The project plan consists of approximately 400 flats, including 120 social housing units (below the rent limit), 30 care homes, a neighbourhood room, and more than 250 medium-level rental properties. The plan offers a solution to the acute shortage of quality housing for young professionals, starters, young couples, (international) students and researchers in Amsterdam. The BrinkTorenwill have a very attractive plinth, with various retail facilities alongside the entries to all the apartments (hospitality,local shops and a Van der Pek bowling alley) that will be partially operated by Pim Evers, the instigator behind Hanneke’s Boom, Cannibale Royale and Aloha (a.o.Powerzone Bowling). After the sale of the social housing and care homes to, among others, Ymere, the net investment value for Xior amounts to approximately EUR 61 million.

Strong commitment to sustainability, green policies and water conservation. In addition to the investments in social quality and the health of the future residents of the BrinkToren, the technical design of this high-rise building is extremely sustainable. The combination of numerous PV cells on the various roofs, terraces and facades, and the realization of additional sustainability measures result in an EPC score below 0.In addition, the various terraces and roofs are equipped with „Polder roofs” that provide water storage and the possibility to create green enclaves.The collected rainwater is later re-used during the growing season to irrigate these roof gardens. There is also a focus on sustainable mobility with the provision of electric pool cars and bicycles.

The link between the Van der Pek neighbourhood and Overhoeks

The slim, elegant BrinkTorenis specifically designed to stimulate as much interaction as possible between all the residents in the different types of housing in the tower, and between new residents and existing residents in the surrounding neighbourhood. The various retail facilities, common areas and meeting places create a welcoming atmosphere that is reinforced by the green areas surrounding the tower and the generous number of terraces the building offers.

The team will develop the plan further in order to allow construction to start in the summer of 2022 (after obtaining the necessary permits), with the aim of completion in 2024-2025 (or 2026 at the latest).

Jury rating

The project plan received the highest jury rating for spatial/architectural quality, contribution to the composition of the Overhoeks skyline and programme detail. The assessment committee was mainly impressed by the pivotal function between Overhoeks and the Van der Pek neighbourhood. The tower has a distinct silhouette from a distance but also fits with the rhythm of the other towers. The jury also welcomed the choice of materials, considering that brick hasn’t been used yet in the Strip.Co Stor, Director of Regional Development Amsterdam-Noord: „In my view the BrinkTorenteam really understood what this project is about: how do you bring people together in this special place between the Van der Pek neighbourhood and Overhoeks, and how do you make this tangible in the building, the programme and the architecture.”

Christian Teunissen, CEO Xior: „Given the scarcity in the market for first-time buyers, teaching staff, researchers and young couples in Amsterdam, we are keen to make,also for them, sustainable investments for the long term in this special and exciting place.”

Francine Houben/ Arne Lijbers –Mecanoo: „What struck us most was that there was a lack of integration between the Van der Pek neighbourhood and Overhoeks. The BrinkToren has a connecting quality, not only visually, but on every level, both indoors and outdoors. The elegant BrinkToren creates a transition between these two neighbourhoods by gradually phasing down from Overhoeks using traditional materials and architecture that seamlessly fit in with the small scale and romance of the Van der Pek neighbourhood. BrinkToren will become a real green tower, both through the green areas around it that function as a communal neighbourhood garden and through the collective roof gardens for the residents.”

Lars Mosman, Partner DubbeLL –buurtontwikkelaars: „We have had many discussions with residents and businesses in order to understand what this place still needs in terms of a programme.This project is exactly what we mean by neighbourhood development (buurtontwikkelaars): property development with a strong focus on the neighbourhood.”

photos: Artist’s Impression –BrinkToren–Mecanoo Architects

Xior Student Housing NV is the first Belgian public regulated real estate company (RREC) specialising in the student housing segment in Belgium, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal. Within this real estate segment, Xior Student Housing offers a variety of accommodation, ranging from rooms with shared facilities to en-suite rooms and fully equipped studios. Since 2007, as owner-operator, Xior Student Housing has built high-quality, reliable student accommodation for students looking for the ideal place to study, live and relax. Student accommodation with that little bit extra, where every student will feel at home right away.

Xior Student Housing has been accredited as a public RREC under Belgian law since 24 November 2015. Xior Student Housing’s shares have been listed on Euronext Brussels (XIOR) since 11 December 2015. On 31 March 2020, Xior Student Housing held a property portfolio worth approximately EUR 1.22 billion. More information is available at www.xior.be.

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