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Belgian Week 2022, anniversary edition, Reshape the future

3-5 May 2022, Hotel Caro, organized by the Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce

The new economic landscape and the new technologies provide us with various opportunities to create new learning experiences, leveraging research from a variety of disciplines along with imagination and creativity.

The event of this year tackles the subject “Reshape the future” and has been created to bring experts, companies, and business associations from various industries together to discuss, innovate, and create.

We also want to take the opportunity to celebrate 10 Years of Belgian Luxembourg Romanian Moldovan Chamber of Commerce.

The three days will be full with conferences, seminars, panel discussions about the new ways of doing business (a few examples: Nearshoring, SDGs, or Cybersecurity).

There are 36s lots available for companies to present their approach.

Also, there will be the possibility to visit Belgian companies close to Bucharest.

Interested to present a subject linked to the event? Contact us for the logistic details.

Executive Director


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