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The CEE Summit 2023 – 9th edition in Warsaw, save on your delegate pass with the Early Bird Price

Thursday 22nd June • 08:30 – 19:00 CET • Warsaw, Poland

Wednesday 21st June (afternoon) Tour of Warsaw for international media and CEE Summit participants based outside Poland.
Wednesday 21st June 19.00 – 21.30 CEE Summit Welcome Cocktail (for all participants).
Buy your delegate pass – here

The CEE Summit, now in its 9th year, is co-organised by The Poland Observer and Real Asset Media to bring the international real estate & business communities together with decision makers on the ground. Held every year in Warsaw, the CEE Summit has established itself on the market as the leading event in the regional calendar – a chance to keep up with the market and meet the people shaping it now and in the future.

The event takes place on the 22 June 2023 – preceded by the ‘Warsaw Real Estate Tour’ of the best of the latest schemes – and covers all the main sectors and key locations, as well as the trends & issues you need to be aware of and get ready for. International participants of the CEE Summit who are based outside Poland are welcome to take part in the Tour on the afternoon of 21 June.

The CEE Summit includes both large-conference format and smaller breakout sessions where participants can drill down into the details of the sectors, locations and issues that are most important for them.

Key Themes for 2023:

– Regional economic & business context in the light of challenges: Ukraine war, high inflation, rising costs, supply chain issues – presentation and/or panel with economists and/or leading business figures.
– Real estate market outlook for the CEE region in a global context, showing new trends – presentation by international consultancy.
– Supply Chain challenges and solutions – how the CEE region fits into the global supply chain, challenges and opportunities – by leading supply chain experts.
– Locations: which locations in CEE are hottest, and which offer the most opportunities? A look at each of the countries in the CEE region.
– Sectors: which sectors offer the greatest opportunities for best returns? A look at each of the major sectors and sub-sectors – their current situations and future prospects.
– Investment strategies and how to access the current market opportunities.

Buy your delegate pass – here

Expert Speakers confirmed so far:

Simon Robson Brown
Managing Director, Head of European Listed Real Estate, and European Portfolio Manager
Morgan Stanley Investment Management
United Kingdom

Anna Duchnowska
Managing Director, Investment Management
Invesco Real Estate

Otis Spencer
P3 Logistics Parks
Czech Republic

Joost Leendertse
Founder and CEO
The Netherlands

Courtney Fingar
Fingar Direct Investments
United Kingdom

Richard Stephens
The Poland Observer

Dr. Marcus Cieleback
Chief Urban Economist
PATRIZIA Immobillien AG

Dr. Angelus Bernreuther
Head of Investor Relationship Management

Karolis Adlis
Executive Director, European Investments
W. P. Carey Inc.
United Kingdom

Hubert Abt
New Work Offices

Richard Betts
Founding Partner, Group Publisher
Real Asset Media
United Kingdom

Buy your delegate pass – here

Real Asset Live Investment Briefings powered by Real Asset Insight are designed for senior decision-makers in cross-border investment markets who represent institutional investors, listed and unlisted companies, investment managers, occupiers, advisors, banks, sovereign wealth funds and private equity firms. Entry is by invitation to ensure a high quality interactive session where both attendees and speakers can share insights and make connections with senior market colleagues.

 As well as providing a meeting point for real estate investment specialists, these sessions are designed to be interactive and, as an attendee, you have the opportunity to stress test your view and join the discussion.

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Articolul anterior
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NTT DATA înființează bursa de excelență Daniel Metz

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