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NRCC UNIVERSITY presents the Elevator Pitch, 17th March, Brasov

NRCC UNIVERSITY presents the Elevator Pitch: how to sell your idea faster & better
17th March, Brasov
An entrepreneur is always pitching, selling and trying to convince people to buy, try or love his / her products. This is part of the game! So why not get comfortable with this idea real quick! Recognize however that not everyone will buy your product hence the importance of defining your typical buyer or “persona’ as we call it. The better you understand all aspects of your potential buyer, the quicker you win.

In the context of Networking, practicing your ‘Elevator Pitch’ can make the difference between being noticed or forgotten. When you meet new people to talk about your business it’s got to come across as coherent, smooth and effortless.
On 17th of March, NRCC UNIVERSITY FOR START-UPS & ENTREPRENEURS comes again in Brasov, having as special guest Paul Renaud, NRCC member and a Certified Executive Coach, specialized in Peak Performance, Neuroscience and Marketing.
Paul will help the guests to master their Elevator Pitch. This pitch usually lasts 45-60 seconds and it describes the business concept or ‘going concern’. The goal is to make sure you create a great, first impression. The presentation will also cover some important networking concepts to optimize networking which is all so critical in creating, running and developing a small business.
The event will take place at Kronwell hotel, from 17:30, starting with a Welcome & Registration 30 minutes session. The presentation is followed by a Cocktail Drink organized from 19:00 o’clock, in partnership with DWK – German Economic Club in Brasov, offering the chance for making new business connections and sharing ideas.
On behalf NRCC, present at the event will be: Mr. Bas van Hese (NRCC President and Country Manager Fokker Engineering Romania) and Mr. Maurits Dohmen (NRCC Executive Director).
Free access for NRCC members; 120 lei for external companies.
Register at info@nrcc.ro, until 16th of March.

Since 2006, by means of dedicated events and industry-focused projects, NRC supports and promotes the Dutch-Romanian business community. After 10 years of activity, NRCC network now includes 180+ members, representing 20+ industries.
NRCC is focused on sharing trough its community knowledge with local business communities in other regions via the NRCC University projetc. NRCC provides in this manner a platform where members present their field of interest and where local businesses can meet the Chamber. A spin-off of the NRCC University is the focus on Start-Ups in certain regions, with the goal  to actively contribute to the development of the entrepreneurial environment in Romania.

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