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[Enjoy Transylvania!] The Story of Wine (3) The Apold Gorgandin vineyard estate

(…) The potential tourist, attracted by the Wine Land project, would have many vineyards to see, many wineries to visit, many unique wine varieties to taste and, perhaps, to take home. For a tourist to form a somewhat adequate idea of the wines from Transylvania, it would be best that he spends at least a summer’s vacation here, for there is much to see. Not even we, who have been raised here, know all of them and we still come by many wonderful surprises. In the past 10 years, several new, extraordinarily tasteful wineries appeared, containing previously unknown or very little known wine varieties and blends that fill you with respect for the oenologists who had been inspired to produce them. Let us take some of these wine establishments one at a time and let us hope that the spirit of abstinence shall accompany our journey, so that we can visit as many wineries as possible.

READ ALSO: [Enjoy Transylvania!] The Story of Wine (1)

READ ALSO: [Enjoy Transylvania!] The Story of Wine (2) The Jidvei vineyard


The Apold Gorgandin vineyard estate, spread across the western parts of the Sibiu County, is one of the best in Transylvania.

The Sebeș-Apold vineyard is located in the middle of the vineyard estate. In this area, the grapevine culture has a long history, given the richness of the soil and the adequate weather, as well as the special varieties adapted to the existing microclimate. Throughout the centuries, the Germanic people who settled here after their expulsion in 1734, at the time of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI’s reign, contributed to the development of winemaking. After a period of degradation and suspension of activity, the Apoldu de Sus vineyard farm was reopened in 2007.

From the beginning of its activity, large areas of grapevines were planted, with cuttings brought from Italy, from the “Vitis Rauscedo” Agricultural Society whose representatives provided the planting of the Riesling Italian, Traminer Aromatico, Pinot Gris, Sauvignon Blanc, Muscat Ottonel varieties. The plantation has a surface of 62 acres, on a land at approximate altitude of 450-485 meters above sea level, with a southern inclination and a good exposure to the sun and a reddish-brown forest soil.

The special wine varieties made available on the market are: Gorgandin Sauvignon Blanc, Gorgandin Traminer Aromatico, Rose de Apold – Madmoazela, Gorgandin Pinot Gris, Gorgandin Muscat Ottonel, Italian Gorgandin Riesling.




(From the special edition of TB 86 – „ENJOY TRANSYLVANIA!” – May/June 2019)

Romanian versions:

[Enjoy Transylvania!] Povestea vinului (1)

[Enjoy Transylvania!] Povestea vinului (2) Podgoria Jidvei

[Enjoy Transylvania!] Povestea vinului (3) Domeniul viticol Apold Gorgandin

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